Transformation by the renewing of your mind...

Are you ready?

- WE ARE -

It's time for breakthrough...

Do you relate to any of the following areas?

Do you have addictions?

  • I feel compelled 24x7.
  • No matter what I do, I can't seem to stop.
  • I hide what I'm into.
  • This has been going on for years, I don't know the "me" without it.
  • It "feels" like I have no control.

Are you unable to feel "close" to God?

  • It feels like there is a barrier between me and God.
  • Does God even like me, let alone love me?
  • It's hard to read the Bible and pray.
  • I have problems forgiving people.
  • I want to be on fire for God, but I just feel like I'm living in mediocrity.

Does trauma dictate your life?

  • I'm afraid of everything.
  • There is so much pain, I'm "scared" to go there.
  • I have been in therapy for years.
  • I know something happened, but the memories seem locked up.
  • I can't sleep well because I remember.
  • I always fear the worst is about to happen.
  • I feel like I'm worried all the time.

Are you confused about your identity?

  • I frequently have homosexual thoughts.
  • I  feel compelled to dress transgender. 
  • I'm not sure if I'm male or female.
  • I feel lost or purposeless in this world.
  • I feel like I was a mistake or accident.

Are you "harassed" by the demonic?

  • I see ugly things in the "spirit world".
  • I'm afraid of the dark and what might be in it.
  • I have issue with profanity coming out of my mouth.
  • I feel worthless most of the time.
  • I often consider suicide as a reasonable option.
  • I feel like I have to "numb" my mind in order to stay calm.

Do anxiety, depression, shame, or suicide plague your thoughts?

  • I'm not worth anything.
  • I hear voices telling me to kill my self, or that others would be glad if I was no longer here. 
  • I often can't get out of bed, I'm so depressed.
  • I know I shouldn't be doing this but...
  • I really hate myself.

Hear from some of our practitioners!

Hello and allow us to introduce ourselves! We are a group of seasoned practitioners that work within the realm of spiritual healing. We are passionate about helping our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to shed the old skins, to step into their rebirthing of hearts and to live unshackled within the places of freedom. We are all called to walk in a renewed mind and to be living examples of a healed people.

    Yes! God intended for his sons and daughters to be whole and unhindered from sin and all its effects. The idea of “deliverance ministry” may be scary to some. It may sound outdated and ineffective. Let us assure you, that Deliverance out of bondage is necessary for all of us. We have seen many people healed right in front of our own eyes- this is not a joke nor is it to be treated lightly.

   God is for you- Our hearts are tailored after His. We are for you. We are here to help you step into a brand-new way of living should you accept this mission! There is no addiction, curse or past trauma that is too large for God to remove. There is not one of us that does not need this ministry.
  God is powerful. He is moving. He loves you. He wants to heal you. He wants you to stay healed. Let us help you with this process! No time is better than now.

A Note From Our Founder

I've always desired to see people set free to the fullness they were designed to walk in. I’ve had this passion since I was a young girl, but especially when I went through my own hard times and saw the importance of following the voice of God.
The Lord has given me a gift of mercy and love for people. My grandmother once told my mother, “you’ll have to watch out that Pat doesn’t bring home all the strays!” Learning what my gift of Love means has been an ongoing process, that hasn’t always been easy. One of the biggest things I have learned is how to take control of our thoughts and put boundaries around myself. But really it's through the difficult times that I have learned the most. I want to train and equip people to move through the hard things quickly by the power of God in them. I have a passion to help people see their identity in Christ. There are no limitations to what the Lord can do. I want to see people live their best life!

Sincere Blessings - Pat Haaby

What Are People Saying?

 “When growing up, I was very influenced by generational strongholds and trauma passed to me from my parents and their generations. When going through the GloryLight intensive, I was able to break free of the lies and receive my FREEDOM from much generational trauma, pain and brokenness. This process will really help you discover your true identity in Christ. It will enable you to embrace truth and new godly beliefs that will set you free! Everyone needs this!

- Debra S.

A Freedom prayer was done with a woman who had been unable to have children.She was approaching an age making it risky to become pregnant.She had suffered years of disappointment,trauma and much “hope deferred”. Her anxiety level was very deep. There was profound sadness. Through prayer, she released all of the trauma and pain to JESUS. He healed the wound in her soul. He gave her PEACE and JOY as divine exchanges. She felt something happening deep inside during the prayer and afterwards. Within weeks of the healing of her soul, she just got her doctor’s report. She’s pregnant! Thank you JESUS!


“I was jobless, homeless, car-less and had just a backpack on my way back coming home from Mexico. I was in complete trauma and mental distress. God has restored my sanity - I have not taken medications since. I have a job that I love. The relationships with my family are awesome and growing. I’m growing at church, I am on the prayer team now. God is doing so many good things and thank you for being a part of that and for praying with and for me, because it definitely changed the trajectory of my life.” 

- Noma L.

We have answers.

Support Workshops

This night is for you!

Come prepare for Kingdom Revival! 
Join our practitioners in an evening of transformation.
  • Get support
  • Receive prayer
  • Get equipped

Every 2nd and 4th Monday @ 6:00 PM

Location: Eagle Mountain Church
Lower Level, 2221 NE 3rd St Ste. 100,
Bend, OR 97701

Do it for you.
Do it for your spouse.
Do it for your kids,
and  future generations.