Apply The Blood

Apr 30, 2024    Bobby Haaby, Becky Haaby, Chris Behnke

Apply The Blood /// Inside The ARC with Bobby Haaby, Becky Haaby, and Chris Behnke

Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Bobby, and Becky Haaby

Season 2, Episode 17: Do you know how to apply the blood of Jesus in warfare?

Link for Message:


I thankfully acknowledge and receive the Blood of Jesus Christ and the power of His completed work on the Cross of Calvary into and over my own life, the lives of my bloodline family members, as well as my spouse and their bloodline family members.

I apply the power of Christ’s intercessory birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension over the doorposts both the (vertical) and (horizontal) aspects of my life.  I receive this justifying, reconciling, propitiating, regenerating, healing, delivering, cleansing, sanctifying, consecrating and protecting power into and over my life.

I appropriate the blood’s effect over the molecular elements of my created being, my spirit, soul, and body; over my mind, will and emotions as well as over my conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

I apply the blood of Jesus over my thoughts, words, deeds, actions, motivations and intents of my heart and also apply the blood of Jesus over all my relationships, past, present and future as well as the metron, sphere of authority and influence that the Father has released to me at this time.

I apply the finished work of the Cross over my health, finances, possessions, lands and every area of life where the Father intends blessing and freedom for me and where the enemy has afflicted and robbed me.

As I open my spirit and soul to be schooled, trained, counseled and ministered to,  or to teach, train or minister to others, I ask that Jesus’ Blood and Cross would be a filter of selection and protection over what flows into or through me.

Holy Spirit, I surrender my entire life to You today, and I ask You to do for me and through me what I cannot do for myself and that You will continue to lead, guide, direct, correct and protect me in all of the paths of Your choosing for my life.