This is your time
You are created to pursue an authentic relationship with your Creator.
You belong to Him and define who you are by what He says. Now it's time to demonstrate God's love to a broken world.
Your personal journey is so important, XP supports you as you begin to take ownership of your faith and develop truths like, I will love God because He will never stop loving me, I will follow Jesus because He knows me better than I know myself, I will live out God's story so others can know who Jesus is, I'm created to pursue a relationship with my Creator, I trust what Jesus did to transform who I need to become, and I exist to demonstrate God's love to those around me.
Your personal journey is so important, XP supports you as you begin to take ownership of your faith and develop truths like, I will love God because He will never stop loving me, I will follow Jesus because He knows me better than I know myself, I will live out God's story so others can know who Jesus is, I'm created to pursue a relationship with my Creator, I trust what Jesus did to transform who I need to become, and I exist to demonstrate God's love to those around me.